“A wild ride into the mystic...”

and the end of time upon them, star-crossed lovers the Fallen Angel
and the High Priestess meet again on the mysterious Caribbean island
of Esperance, spiritual battlefield and last secret outpost of Atlantis
the Lost... But to know how time ends, one must first know how it
The End of Time fast approaching, Fallen Archangel Griffin Arakiel
takes refuge on the mysterious Caribbean island of Esperance – all
that remains of Atlantis the Great. Because of him, Atlantis fell.
Because of him, the world is about to end. Unless... Arakiel's doomed
soulmate through time, the High Priestess of Atalan – now reincarnated
as a young woman on Esperance – can remember who she truly
is. Will she fall for the shadow soulmate she was sent
to find lost in time? Or will she tie the threads of time, and Ascend,
before Arakiel has his way – and time runs out for everyone.
A novel for the Third Millenium, 'Ascension: The FireFlower' is
a mystical adventure right through the Gates of Ascension.
“Griffin Arakiel is a bad boy.
A very, very bad boy.”
Meet Heaven's Favourite Star-Crossed Lovers
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